Credit hours
In-class work per week |
Practice per week |
Credits |
Duration |
Total |
3 |
2 |
8 |
15 weeks |
120 hours |
Iran Jose Oliveira da Silva
Addressing the significant aspects of the behavior, and welfare, of animals relevant to the production
and management. Wake discussions and transmit the knowledge to identify clearly abnormal behavior in
the production animal species, including the origin and development of these behaviors to outline their
treatment and prevention. * Subsidize the recognition and interpretation of welfare signs, discomfort
and pain, knowing their physiological basis and its effects on the social and productive behavior of
animals. * Know animal behavior assessment techniques, as well as the changes that it undergoes when
subjected to through changes and can thus offer better living conditions for animals in the search for
sustainable production systems. * Develop critical sense with existing technologies for the improvement
of stress reduction and international standards of animal production supported by the animal welfare
conditions. * Assess aspects of engineering in production systems for the well-being of animals, focusing
on new solutions, projects and linking the animal's understanding as the sentient being. * The course is
designed to foster students' abilities to: • Understand the principles of animal behavior, applying to
creation and management of livestock production systems. Interpret, critically evaluate and transmit
scientific information on animal behavior
Introduction to the study of animal behavior, concepts, principles, and foundations of ethology. The
response of the structure (genetic, physiological and endocrine bases of behavior); - Understanding the
social behavior of animals; study of animal behavior (instinctive behavior; learned comparative behavior
was learning Intelligence Studies Social Organization Social Behavior.). - Applications of ethology in the
management and livestock production; - Concepts, principles and fundamentals of animal welfare.
Stress. Rational management; Presentation of aspects of the use of livestock for animal industry,
presentation of scientific, ethical and moral use of animals; - Studies of different existing animal welfare
protocols, and the comparisons and adjustments necessary to our reality; animal welfare indicators of
production. - Environmental enrichment notions. - Engineering mechanisms to promote animal welfare,
the human-animal-environment relationship.
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Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts, EUA, 640p.
BROOM, D. M. 1981. Biology of Behaviour, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, 320p.
CARTHY, J.D. Comportamento Animal. São Paulo: EPU, 1980. 79p.
CRAIG, J. V. 1981. Domestic Animal Behaviour. Prentice-Hall, Inc. New Jersey, 364p.
COSTA, M.J.R.P. Comportamento Materno em Mamíferos, Botucatu: SBEt, 2002.
DAWKINS, M.S. 1989. Explicando o comportamento animal. São Paulo: Manole. 159p.
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Editora/Livraria Conceito. 132p
DELCLARO, K. & PREZOTO, F. 2003. As distintas Faces do Comportamento Animal. SBEt & Livraria
Conceito. 276p.
EISNER, T. & WILSON, E. O. 1978. Comportamento Animal. Selecciones de Scientific American H. Blume
Ediciones. Madrid. 404p.
EIBL-EIBESFELDT, I. 1979. Etología: introduccíon al estudo comparado del comportamiento. Barcelona:
Omega. 643p.
ENCARNAÇÃO, R. de O. 1986. Estresse e Produção Animal. Campo Grande, EMBRAPA-CNPGC, 32p.
(EMBRAPA - CNPGC. Documentos, 34).
FRASER, A. F. 1980. Comportamiento de los Animales de Granja. Acribia. Zaragoza. Espanha. 291p.
FRASER, A. F. Farm animal behavior and welfare. 3 ed. CABI Publishing. 1996. 448 p.
KREBS, J.R. & DAVIES, N.B. 1996. Introdução à ecologia comportamental. São Paulo: Atheneu. 420p
GOMES ROSA, I.M.N. (2002). Protocolo das aulas práticas, F.M.V., Lisboa. GRANDIN, T. (1997).
Houpt, Katherine A. (1998) Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists, Third
Edition. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, EUA.
HOUCK, L.D. & DRICKAMER, L.C. 1996. Foundations of animal behavior: classic papers with
commentaries. Chicago: TheUniversity of Chicago Press. 834p.
HURNIK, J. F.; WEBSTER, A. B.; SIEGEL, P. B. 1985. Dictionary of Farm Animal Behaviour. University of
Guelph. Guelph. 176p.
LORENZ, K. 1993. Os fundamentos da etologia. São Paulo: Unesp. 466p.
IMMELMANN, K. 1980. Introduction to ethology. New York: Plenum Press. 237p.
MANNING, A. Introdução ao comportamento animal. Rio de Janeiro: Livros Técnicos e Científicos, 1977.
MANNING, A. & DAWKINS, M.S. 1992. An introduction to animal behaviour. 4.ed. Cambridge: University
Press. 196p.
McFarland, D. 1993. Animal Behaviour– Psychobiology, Ethology & Evolution. (Longman)
PINHEIRO MACHADO Fº, L. C. 1985. Fundamentos da Etologia. In: REUNIÃO ANUAL DA SBZ, XXII,
Balneário de Camboriú, 1985, Anais, Florianópolis-SC.
PHIlLIPS, L.; PIGGINS, P. Cattle behavior and welfare. 2ed. Iowa State Press, 2002. 264p.
SIEGEL, S.; CASTELLAN Jr., N. J. Estatística não-paramétrica para ciências do comportamento. 2
ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed e Bookman, 2006. 448 p.
SLATER, P.J.B. & HALLIDAY, T.R. 1994. Behaviour and evolution. Cambridge: University Press. 348p.
SHORT, C.E. (1998), Fundamentals of pain perception in animals, Applied Animal Behavior Science, 59,
125-133. The Biology of Animal Stress. Basic Principles and Implications for Animal Welfare (2000), ed.
G.P. Moberg & J.A. Mench, CABI Publishing, UK.
WARRISS, P.D. Handling pigs immediately preslaughter - practical concerns and considerations for
welfare and meat quality. Meat Focus International, 3: p167–172. 1994.
WARRISS, P.D. Guidelines for the handling of pigs ante mortem. Meat Focus International, 4: p491–494.
YAMAMOTO, Maria Emília (Org.) ; VOLPATO, G. L. (Org.) . Comportamento Animal. 1. ed. Natal - RN:
Editora da UFRN, 2007. v. 1. 295 p.
Livestock Handling and Transport, CAB INTERNATIONAL, New York.
Periódicos nacionais e internacionais de consulta livre:
Transactions of the ASABE;
Behavior Animal Production;
Poultry Science;
Animal Science;
Canadian Agricultural Engineering; among others.