Course - detail

LEB5043 - Remote Sensing

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
120 hours

Ana Claudia dos Santos Luciano
Peterson Ricardo Fiorio

Present and discuss the technique of remote sensing through its physical foundations. Study the characteristics of different levels of collection of remote sensing data (laboratory, field, aircraft and satellite) as well as their integration. Improve the ability in getting radiometric measurements in the field and laboratory. Improve the ability of interpretation and remote sensing image analysis. Also present the potential of the application of remote sensing in survey and management of agricultural and forestry resources.

1. Introduction to Remote Sensing and its importance in agricultural, forestry and environmental areas;
2. Concepts, brief history and literature;
3. Physical principles of remote sensing;
4. Sensors, products and data acquisition levels;
5. Introduction to the spectral optical radiometry;
6. Spectral behavior: vegetation; soil; and other targets;
7. Principles of aerial photography and photo-interpretation;
8. Landsat and CBERS systems: history, sensors and products;
9. Other remote sensing systems (SPOT, RADARSAT, RAPID EYE, IKONOS etc.);
10. Visual analysis (interpretation) of satellite images;
11. Digital analysis of satellite data;
12. Applications of remote sensing in (a) land use/land cover; (b) agriculture; and (c) forest sciences.

1) ANDERSON, P. S. Fundamentos para Fotointerpretação. Sociedade Brasileira de Cartografia (SBC), Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 1982.
2) AVERY, T. E. & BERLIN, G. L. Interpretation of Aerial Photographs, 4a Edição. Minneapolis, Burgess Publishing Co. 1985.
3) CROSTA, A. P. Processamento Digital de Imagens de Sensoriamento Remoto. UNICAMP, 1992.
4) DRURY, S.A. A Guide to Remote Sensing - Interpreting Images of the Earth. Oxford Science Publications, 1990.
5) JENSEN, J.R. Introductory Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective. New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1996.
6) JENSEN, J. R., Sensoriamento Remoto do Ambiente: uma perspectiva em recursos terrestres. Editora Parêntese, São José dos Campos, SP. 2009.
7) LILLESAND, T. M. & KIEFFER, R. N. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. 1994.
8) LIU, H.T.H. Aplicações de Sensoriamento Remoto. Editora UNIDERP, 2006.
9) MENESES, P.R. & MADEIRA NETTO, J. da S. (organizadores). Sensoriamento Remoto: reflectância dos alvos naturais. Editora UNB, Brasília, DF. 2001.
10) MOFFITT, F. H. & MIKHAIL, E. M. Photogrammetry. 3a Edição, Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., New York, NY. 1980.
11) MOREIRA, M. A. Fundamentos do Sensoriamento Remoto e Metodologias de Aplicação. 3a Edição revista e ampliada, Editora UFV, Viçosa, MG. 2005.
12) NOVO, E.M.L. de M. Sensoriamento Remoto: Princípios e Aplicações. 3a Edição revista e ampliada, Editora Edgard Blücher Ltda. 2008.
13) PONZONI, F. J.; SHIMABUKURO, Y.E.; KUPLICH, T.M. Sensoriamento Remoto da Vegetação. Segunda Edição Atualizada e Ampliada. Oficina de Textos, São Paulo, SP. 2012.
14) RICHARDS, J.A. Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis. New York, Springer-Verlag, 2 ed., 1993. 15) RUDORFF, B.F.T.; SHIMABUKURO, Y.E.; & CEBALLOS. J.C. (organizadores). O Sensor Modis e suas Aplicações Ambientais no Brasil. Editora Parêntese, São José dos Campos, SP. 2007.
16) SABINS, F. F. Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation. New York, W.H. Freeman and Company, 3. ed., 1996.
17) SWAIN, P.H. & S.M. DAVIS. Remote Sensing: The Quantitative Approach. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1978.
18) SCHOWENGERDT, R.A. Remote Sensing: Models and Methods for Image Processing.San Diego, CA, Academic Press, 1997.
19) VETTORAZZI, C.A. & BEST, S. Adquisición Remota y Agricultura de Precisión. In: MANTOVANI, E.C. & MAGDALENA, C. (Ed.) Manual de Agricultura de Precisión. IICA-Procisur, Montevideo, Uruguai, 2014.