Course - detail

LEB5012 - Water Management in Agricultural Biosystems in Watershed

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
180 hours

Fernando Campos Mendonça
Marcos Vinicius Folegatti
Patricia Angélica Alves Marques

The LEB 5012 course - Water Management in Agricultural Biosystems in Watershed, aims to introduce essential concepts for the development of irrigation projects, implementation, planning, and management of agricultural systems. This course will discuss the importance of water for agricultural production and the impacts of these activities on the environment when it is not well managed. 70% of the water withdrawal from water sources is being used for irrigation, associated with the fact 20% of the cultivated area in the world is irrigated and is responsible for 45% of food production, give yourself special attention to the practices that lead to the higher efficiency of water use by different irrigation systems. Thus, the studies will be conducted for both the scale of the agricultural property and for the basic unit of the planning of the Hydrographic Basin according to Law 9.433/97, considering: the availability of water resources, the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil, the water-soil relations; water-soil-plant-atmosphere relationships and management techniques. In this course, basic Excel and AutoCad topics for irrigation design and management will be presented.

1 - Introduction: water resources availability in Brazil and in the world considering the arid and humid regions, 2 - basin as the basic unit of planning by Law 9433/97, 3 - the multiples uses of water resources, 4 - use planning Basin based on knowledge of the availability and quality of water resources, the physical-hydric characteristics of the soil, climate, plants grown with and without irrigation, the geomorphological characteristics, the agricultural zoning, the size of the properties, the educational and cultural level of the people involved in the Basin plan prepared by the Watershed committees. 5 - Characterization of Agricultural Biosystems according to available resources: water resources, soil types; available capital, profitability, Labor; Energy sources. 6 - water requirement of different crops throughout the cycle and tools necessary for its measurement. 7 - water storage in soils and tools necessary for their monitoring, 8 - conservation practices to ensure the greater infiltration and water storage in soil, 9 - Characteristics of the different irrigation systems as regards their operation and application of water, 10 - irrigation management techniques through the soil, plant and climate, 11 - Evaluation of environmental impacts in agricultural biosystems with emphasis in irrigated areas, 12 - Experimental Hydrographic sub-basins as a way of diffusion of technology, 13 - Economic Evaluation project: Cost-Benefit; Fixed and Variable Costs 14 - Laboratory Practice of Soil Physics: Typical analysis (gravimetry, density, hydraulic conductivity, water retention curve, etc.), 15 - Laboratory Practices water quality, 16 - Field Practices: Characterization the sub-basins, collecting soil samples, field capacity tests, tensiometers installation and other instruments to measure the level of soil moisture, collecting water samples, flow measurements, interview techniques for irrigation farmers. 17 - Basic notions of Excel and Autocad for irrigation design and management.

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USP Open Books Library:
- Atlas da irrigação: disponível em Atlas Irrigação (
- Diferentes abordagens sobre Agricultura Irrigada no Brasil: História, Política Pública, Economia e Recurso Hídrico: disponível em
- Diferentes abordagens sobre Agricultura Irrigada no Brasil: Técnica e Cultura: disponível em