Credit hours
In-class work per week |
Practice per week |
Credits |
Duration |
Total |
3 |
1 |
8 |
15 weeks |
120 hours |
Rubens Duarte Coelho
This course aims to prepare graduate students in Agricultural Systems Engineering at ESALQ / USP to
work professionally in the business environment of Irrigation Engineering with a scientific and innovative
vision, in order to increase their chances of employability in the market. of work. At the same time,
concepts and ideas in entrepreneurship applied to irrigated agriculture in Brazil will be presented, in
such a way that the professional horizons of these students expand to the new work dynamics of
contemporary society. This course will open up new professional opportunities for students who are
interested in working in this area of Agricultural Engineering applied to agribusiness.
Presentation of entrepreneurial opportunities in Irrigation Engineering in Brazil, in the areas of: 1) hydraulic projects, 2) irrigation management and 3) management of hydraulic systems. Market analysis of irrigation systems in Brazil: profile of equipment industries, irrigating farmers, irrigated areas and their prospects for expansion in national territory. Program: a)Presentation of the main software for hydraulic dimensioning of pressurized irrigation systems used in the national market: IRRICAD, IRRIPRO, EPANET, WCAD, IRRIMAKER and AUTOCAD. Graphic screens and project tools of two software selected according to the availability of educational licenses. Irrigation projects for conventional sprinkler, drip and micro sprinkler. Sprinkler designs for frost and temperature control. Sizing tools, pressure analysis, velocity analysis, irrigation uniformity and efficiency analysis, supplementary reports and bill of material. b) Entrepreneurship applied to the Management of Irrigation in Pressurized Systems: Main market players, technology adopted, customer profile, human resources policy and pricing c) Entrepreneurship applied to the Central Pivot System: uniformity tests and systems resizing d) Entrepreneurship applied the management of complex hydraulic systems in pressurized irrigation, based on digital agriculture tools (IoT) e) Entrepreneurship Techniques: Product/service planning; Market research and analysis; Strategies and actions to reach the market; Competition Analysis; Pricing; Estimate Initial Costs Cash Flow; profitability; Cashier: sales projection; Ways to finance your business; Legal aspects for opening your business; Investments: funding needs and sources; Business plan.
Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico (Brasil). Atlas Irrigação: Uso da Água na Agricultura Irrigada / Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico. 2. ed. Brasília: ANA, 2021.
ALYSSON PAOLINELLI, ET AL. Diferentes abordagens sobre agricultura irrigada no Brasil: História, Política Pública, Economia e Recurso Hídrico. Piracicaba: ESALQ - USP, 2021. 574 p.: il. (Cátedra Luiz de Queiroz)
ALYSSON PAOLINELLI, ET AL. Diferentes abordagens sobre agricultura irrigada no Brasil: Técnica e Cultura. Piracicaba: ESALQ - USP, 2021. 598 p.: il. (Cátedra Luiz de Queiroz)
ASABE Beyond 2020, Vision of the Future: Selected Papers from the Sixth Decennial National Irrigation Symposium
BERNARDO S.; SOARES, A. A.; MANTOVANI, E. C. Manual de Irrigação. 8. Ed., Viçosa: UFV, 2008. 625p.
FRIZZONE, J.A.; FREITAS, P. S. L.; REZENDE, R. FARIA, M. A. Microirrigação: gotejamento e microaspersão. Maringá: Eduem, 2012. 356p.
HISRICH, Robert D.; PETERS, Michael, P.; SHEPHERD, Dean A. Empreendedorismo. 7ª ed. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2009.
HISRICH, Robert D.; PETERS, Michael P. Empreendedorismo. 5.ed. - Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2004. ACH2008 – Empreendedorismo para Informática/v.7 – 2014
MARCOVITCH, J. 2003. Pioneiros & Empreendedores: A Saga do Desenvolvimento no Brasil, Vol. I. São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 320 páginas;
MARCOVITCH, J. 2005. Pioneiros & Empreendedores: A Saga do Desenvolvimento no Brasil, Vol. II. São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 328 páginas.
OSTERWALDER, Alexander. Inovação Em Modelos de Negócios - Business Model Generation. Editora Alta Books, 2011.
TIMMONS; Jeffry A.; DORNELAS, José Carlos Assis; SPINELLI, Stephen. A criação de novos negócios – empreendedorismo para o século 21. Editora: Campus. 2010.