Course - detail

LEB5008 - Applied Hydrology

Credit hours

In-class work
per week
per week
15 weeks
90 hours

Fernando Campos Mendonça
Marcos Vinicius Folegatti
Sergio Nascimento Duarte

To present basic concepts related to water dynamics in watersheds and geological water basins, from
physical characterization to water dynamics; to share knowledge about extreme events, especially
intense rainfall, maximum and minimum flows, and their importance in the design of structures for
controlling water flow, and the licensing processes for water use; to discuss aspects related to water
quality and Brazilian legislation on water resources; contribute to training students regarding the
integrated management of water resources, considering both quantitative and qualitative aspects.

The course will follow a hybrid system, with 40% of face-to-face activities (Theoretical and practical classes, sessions to clarify doubts and discussion of concepts, and training exercises) and 60% of remote, online activities (recorded classes, support teaching materials, solving exercises and tests, and sessions for discussing and answering questions).
The online activity will last 2 hours/week. Classes will be synchronous (1/3 of the time) and asynchronous (2/3 of the time). The platform used for online activities includes Google Meet (online classes) and e-Disciplinas (Stoa - class materials).
To attend classes online, the student must have a computer with a camera and audio (microphone and speakers) in good working order.
The material available to students includes handouts, free software, recorded lessons, videos, and exercises.
The frequency control of activities will be done 1 day a week. In face-to-face activities, it will be from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. In non-presential activities, it will be done for 1.5 hours, in synchronous weekly classes. In the initial fortnight and the last fortnight of the semester, professors and students must be present at the University. The frequency control methods will be oral calling or attendance registration via Google Meet.
Active teaching methods will be used, namely: exercises done individually or in groups, and seminars.
The assessment includes weekly exercises (individual and group) and seminars (individual). The final average will be weighted considering the grades of the weekly exercises (Weight 2) and the grade of the seminar (Weight 1).
The content will be: I - Surface Hydrology 1. Introduction. Importance and applications of Hydrology. Hydrological cycle. Watersheds. Physiographic characteristics of the basins. Notions of QGIS. Determination of morphometric parameters of the basins with QGIS. 2. Rainfall, types, characteristics, and distribution models. Analysis and processing of rainfall and heavy rainfall data. Applications. Use of PLUVIO software 2.1. 3. Surface runoff (runoff). Runoff occurrence, measurement, and prediction conditions. Discharge peaks. Estimation methods. Rational method. I-Pai-Wu method. Analysis of hydrographs. Synthetic hydrographs. SCS method. Design of control works. Use of SCS-CN Software. 4. Watercourses, characteristics, and regime. Fluviometry. The characteristic curve of dimensions - flows. Floods and droughts. Regionalization of hydrological variables. Use of DAEE/SP regionalization software. 5. Reservoirs and small buses. Hydrological elements of dams. Estimate of reservoir volume. Rippl's method. Sequential peaks method. Use of spreadsheets to determine reservoir volumes. 6. Predicting extreme hydrological phenomena. Frequency, probability, and payback period. Forecast of extreme, maximum, and minimum hydrological events. Annual Series. Analysis methods for projects. Gumbel distribution. Log-Pearson Distribution. Log-Normal Distribution. Weibull distribution. Calculations. Using EasyFit software. II - Underground Hydrology - 7. Underground water. Aquifers, types, and properties. Groundwater movement. Well, hydraulics and characteristics. Permanent flow equations towards a well. Thiem's method. Pumping test. Analysis and interpretation of the characteristic curve of a deep well. Aquifer exploration. Aquifers of the State of São Paulo. Pumping systems. 8. Water quality. Quality for irrigation purposes. Quality for domestic and industrial supplies. Quality for environmental management. CONAMA Resolution 357. III – Management of water resources. 9. Conceptual bases and fundamental principles. 10. National Water Resources Management System. 11. Legislation on the use of water. Federal Law 9433. State Law 7667.
12. Grants and Licenses. River basin plan. 13. Charge for water use. 14. Payment for environmental services. 15. Water Monitoring in Brazil: Institutions, Initiatives, and Databases. 16. Environmental indicators as water management tools. 17. Experimental watersheds. 18. Case studies of the watersheds of Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí Rivers, Paraíba do Sul River watershed, Tietê River watershed, São Francisco River watershed. 19. Development of research projects in river basins.

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