Credit hours
In-class work per week |
Practice per week |
Credits |
Duration |
Total |
4 |
2 |
8 |
15 weeks |
120 hours |
Jarbas Honorio de Miranda
Richard Andrew Cooke
Sergio Nascimento Duarte
Training student for the systems design involving the natural water management, development of
research lines related to the management and updating of critical thinking regarding problems related
with this area of knowledge, especially in rural areas.
1. Introduction. The diversity of water control problems for the development of rural and urban areas activities. Overview and contrasts. Interdependence of science drainage, hydrology and hydraulics.
2. Drainage for rural and agricultural development. Problems of water excess in soil. Plant growth and soil aeration. Fick's law. Factors arising from the aeration deficiency in plant development.
3. Basic studies for characterizing drainage problems in wetlands. Soil physical properties, drainable porosity and hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil (Ko). Methods of determining Ko. Spatial variability of soil physical parameters. Interpretation. Soil profile characterization and impermeable layer. In-person activities.
4. Study of the water table observation wells. Vertical oscillations and longitudinal flow. Mapping the water table and the displacement of groundwater. Network flow and interpretation.
5. Flow in saturated soil. Laws of hydrodynamics. Darcy equation, Richards and Laplace. Hypotesys of Dupuit-Forchheimer. Hydraulic wells, permanent and transient radial flow. Fundamental equations of hydraulics of Porous Media. Flow toward the drains, permanent and transient. Drain spacing equations. Applications.
6. Surface drainage characteristic systems and dimensioning. Heavy rains and runoff (Runoff). Forecasting methods. Time concentration and discharge peaks. Soil Conservation. Hydraulic sizing. Hydrological criteria for projects. Calculations. In-person activities.
7. Underground drainage characteristic systems and dimensioning. Drainage materials and equipment. Components of a drainage system. The output system. Drains cooking. Wraps. Filters. Geotextiles. Alternative materials. Drainage areas under artesian pressure. Wells of relief. Calculations.
8. Drainage in arid areas to salts control. Salinity soil and water. Quality standards. Soil management affected by salt. Maintenance of current conditions. Restoration of degraded soils. Applications.
9. The drainage in the context of environmental conservation. Management and risks involved. Draining and control of pollution of soil and groundwater. Intervening factors. Analysis and decision. Environmental legislation.
10. Preparation of a drainage project. Presentation and discussion.
DUARTE, S.N.; SILVA, E.F. F.; MIRANDA, J.H.; MEDEIROS, J.F.; COSTA, R.N.; GHEYE, H.R. Fundamentos de Drenagem Agrícola. INCTSal, 2015, 367p. CRUCIANI, D.E. A Drenagem na Agricultura. Livraria Nobel, São Paulo, 4a. Edição. 1986. 337p.
INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR LAND RECLAMATION AND IMPROVEMENT. Drainage principles and applications. Wageningen, Netherlands. 1994. 1100p.
LUTHIN, J.N. Drainage Engineering. Krieger Publishing Co., New York. 1973. 244p SCHILFGAARDE, J.V. Drainage for Agriculture. American Society of Agronomy. Monograph 17. 1974. 694p.
SCHWAB, G.O.; FANGMEIER, D.D.; ELLIOT, W.J.; FREVERT, R.K. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering. Wiley. New York. 4a. ed. 1993. 507p.
SKAGGS, R.W. & SCHILFGAARDE, J. Van. Agricultural Drainage. Agronomy Series # 38. American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Madison, Win. 1999. 1328p. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. Drainage of agricultural land. W.I.C. New York. 1973. 423p.
TUCCI, C. E. M. & MARQUES, D.N.L.M. Avaliação e controle da drenagem urbana. Editora da Universidade, UFRGS. 2.000, 558p.